I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart <3

Tuesday 16th July

9st 5lbs

Early breakfast before the gym this morning. Apple and almonds. This was then followed by another lot post-workout, mainly because not wanting to wake up the little ones meant no kitchen access. My fruit and nuts are stored carefully in my room. Fruit is gold dust around here!

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– Apple and almonds (185 cals)

– Apple and almonds (185 cals)


Today’s workout was a Jillian Michaels creation involving weight circuits focusing heavily on arms. It knackered me right out I’m not ashamed to admit!! Circuits using 1 minute intervals have never been my strong point (I prefer doing more, shorted, snappier intervals… keeps me on my toes and deflects boredom) however I appreciate their place and use. Pushing muscles to failure gets results. That’s the deal. Anyway, it was lovely having a Miami sunrise to keep my mind of things 😉

2013-07-16 06.54.10 JillianMichaels



Mid-morning I snacked on a yogurt, an oreo and and couple of apples. I’m not even gonna try and pretend it’s got anything to with anything other than boredom…!

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– Peach and cereal yogurt (110 cals)

– Apples (160 cals)

– Oreo (80 cals)


Just a plate of deli ham for lunch as there wasn’t much on offer. Later I had a small bowl of frosties and some salted nuts.

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– Ham (200 cals)

– Frosties and milk (200 cals)

–  Salted nuts (170 cals)


In the afternoon I had what can only be described as a minor oreo binge. I’m not proud.

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– Oreo cookies (700 cals)


Dinner time was a slice of toast with philly and ham and wasabi peas. Trying to keep my spirits up. Gonna shoot for an early night if possible.


– Toast, philly and ham (225 cals)

– Wasabi Peas (200 cals)



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