And in that moment I swear we were infinite…

Monday 2nd September – 9st 6lbs

Was surprised to see a drop like that this morning… just goes to show how much weight we can carry just in bloat after a few days of eating and drinking junk.

Anyway I was up early this morning as I want to get a quick workout in before work and I ate an egg bake that I spontaneously decided to prepare last night before bed. I was surprised by how delicious it was!! I basically just used some leftover roast veggies from last night, added some spices, a couple of eggs, some feta and basil and baked it all in a bowl for 30-35 minutes and left it overnight to cool and firm. SO tasty! I also had some black coffee.


Pumpkin & Feta Egg Bake Recipe:

  • 2 large eggs
  • Veggie chunks roasted with low cal cooking spray (pumpkin, carrot, onion and red pepper)
  • 30g feta cheese
  • Handful of torn basil leaves
  • 1/4tsp Saffron
  • 1/4tsp tandoori spice
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1tsp balsamic vinegar

Pop everything in a bowl sprayed with cooking spray, give it a good mix and bake it all at 180 for 30-40mins. Leave at least 3 hours to firm.


– Pumpkin & Feta Egg bake

– Black, unsweetened coffee


I chose a Turbo Jam workout today but I wanted to do some strength training so I picked the 3T session which focuses on muscle work with exercise tubes. It’s short but if you go heavy on the resistance it’s pretty killer. Much prefer it to her Cardio Party workouts.




Post-workout I had an apple and when I arrived at work I drank a cappuccino and ate a handful of crisps.

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– Pink Apple

– Cappuccino (full fat milk, 2 sweeteners)

– Handful of plain salted crisps


I finished work at about 2pm early as it was very slow this afternoon and had a lovely lunch of barely and salad followed by a 88 calorie ice lolly.

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 Barely Salad with black olives & cherry tomatoes and olive oil dressing

– 88 Calorie Smoothie Ice Lolly


After work I decided to walk the 6km home as it was such a beautiful day. It’s such a gorgeous walk… music up, world off 😉


– WORKOUT 2: 6km Walk (approx. 70-80mins)


I was really hungry come dinnertime so I had a big plate of spicy roasted vegetable with some leftover curry sauce from yesterday. Later I had some grilled fruit with philly light and then got into bed for a lovely chilled evening with movies and candles. Goodnight world!

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– Squash, Carrot & onion roasted in lowcal cooking spray and served with homemade curry sauce made from skimmed milk and philadelphia light

– Grilled apple and grapefruit with philadelphia light


TOTAL CALS: approx. 2050

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